What Happens When Property Taxes Are Not Paid In Ocala, FL (Marion County)?
A tax deed sale is the sale of property for past due real estate taxes and fees associated with the sale. In Marion County, taxes are due by April 1st for the previous year. Once delinquent, the Tax Collector holds a Tax Certificate sale/auction to pay off the taxes. This sale does not take ownership of the house, it only places a tax lien on the property.
If the property taxes have not been paid after two years of being delinquent, the tax lien certificate holder can force the county to hold a public auction of the property. Whoever wins the auction becomes the legal owner of that property.
In order for the homeowner to stop the tax foreclosure auction, they must repay the delinquent taxes, with interest (up to 18% per year) and any associated fees. If this is not done before the tax auction, they will lose their property.
This is where SuperFastBuyers.com comes into the picture. We would much rather buy your home before it goes to auction; this allows the homeowner to walk away with money in their pockets instead of empty handed.
If you, or someone you know, is behind on their property taxes; contact us ASAP.